Step 1: Enter the library

Click “Get Started” or “The Library” to enter the logo library

Step 2: Find your logo

Scroll through the library of principally-designed logos to find the one that best fits you. For more information on a logo select “details”

Step 3: Selecting your logo

Here you will find an in depth look at the logo you are interested in, fictitious mock up examples, available color options, alternate design variations and a detailed list of all file types you will receive. If this is the logo you have been looking for, select “Checkout” to proceed.

Step 4: Purchasing your logo

With our simple Logo Order Form, you will be asked to provide contact info, a little info on your organization, choose your preferred logo color and provide your custom logo name and optional tagline. The last step is to accept the Terms of Service agreement and select “submit”. At this point you have officially purchased your new logo! A detailed explanation of our Terms of Service agreement can also be viewed here.

Step 5: Logo proof preparation

Now it's our turn. We will prepare a mock up of your logo in its final form for you to proof. In a few business days you will receive an email with a link to the logo design proof form.

Step 6: Logo proof review and approval

Once you receive your email with the logo design proof, select the link to view your logo. Make sure your logo name and tagline are correct and are free of punctuation and spelling errors. 

Next, select “I approve” and the ”Submit” button at bottom of the form. Additionally, a copy of your invoice will be included with this email. Please pay your invoice as soon as possible so we can get your final files to you as quick as we can.

Step 7: Logo file preparation

Now that your logo design proof is approved and your invoice is paid, we will begin formatting your logo files and organizing them into a detailed folder system. This process can take a few business days.

Step 8: Logo file delivery

Keep an eye on your email! Once we are finished with the file formatting we will send all of your logo files via email(s). Along with your logo files, you will receive a detailed logo usage guide that will outline file format recommendations as well as basic design guidelines.

Ready to find your logo? 

Get Started

Interested in custom logo design? Learn about our custom logo design process here.